
About us

mama poruch

mama poruch is a public organization, created to support children and their families in difficult life situations. Our team unites people who believe in the importance of every child and strive to create a favorable environment for their development.

Inspired by a common goal

Our team

We are a team of professionals who believe in the power of every child and strive to create a favorable environment for their development.

Yaroslava Mozghova

Yaroslava Mozghova

Founder of the NGO “Mama poruch”, educational expert, project manager

Mykhailo Mozghovoi

Mykhailo Mozghovoi

Dedicated father and co-founder of the NGO "Mama poruch"

Collaboration that inspires

Our partners

Organizations with expertise in various fields and sharing values of support, development and scientific substantiation.

Our goals

  • Promote women's development in the professional sphere for personal fulfillment of each individual

  • Support women during pregnancy, childbirth, care, development and upbringing of children

  • Provide psychological, psycho-emotional, inclusive, and academic support to Ukrainian families

  • Involve parents in the educational process, form conscious parental attitudes towards children's upbringing and education

  • Implement principles of partnership pedagogy

  • Support educational reforms and transformations

  • Promote expansion of childcare services (formal, non-formal, informal education).

Latest information


NGO "MAMA PORUCH" on EdWay Platform

NGO "MAMA PORUCH" on EdWay Platform

Education is our undisputed priority.

We believe that by providing quality education to our children, we lay a solid foundation for their future.

NGO "MAMA PORUCH" is preparing to collaborate with educators to enhance the qualifications of teaching staff. Thanks to the EdWay platform, this collaboration will be convenient and quick. The received certificates will be recognized by the pedagogical councils of educational institutions (yes, everything according to Resolution 800 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine).

Follow us on EdWay: https://edway.in.ua/uk/spk/397/detail/

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Memorandum with International Inclusion Foundation

Memorandum with International Inclusion Foundation

One of the key objectives of NGO "MAMA PORUCH" is comprehensive support for Ukrainian families in raising children. That's why we value the opportunity to collaborate with the International Inclusion Foundation – an organization that has been providing professional support to children with special educational needs for over 10 years.

International Inclusion Foundation has offices in Israel and Germany while operating worldwide. In Ukraine, the organization is actively involved in professional development for inclusive resource center specialists.

Together with International Inclusion Foundation, we plan to provide systematic support to families and educators and create a truly inclusive environment.

Learn more about the organization on the official website: https://iif-inclusion.org/

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Training for Teaching Academy

Training for Teaching Academy

In partnership with the International Inclusion Foundation, we conducted an introductory session for students of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University who are actively involved in the Teaching Academy.

Marina Krisov and Yaroslava Mozgova engaged students in a conversation about creating an inclusive educational environment and introduced them to the possibilities of using the SEB approach in the educational process.


So that everyone in the classroom has genuine access to education.

Learn more at: https://www.facebook.com/share/1Ax6Mnp1Ks/

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Support for Borys Grinchenko University

Support for Borys Grinchenko University

NGO "MAMA PORUCH" became a partner of the cultural and educational event "Heroes of the Language Front", implemented by the Faculty of Ukrainian Philology, Culture and Arts of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University.

The event also included an award ceremony for winners from Kyiv and Kyiv region of the All-Ukrainian student competition "Ukrainian Language in Focus".

NGO "MAMA PORUCH" provided competition winners with gifts – guidebooks for self-discovery and successful professional orientation.

See you next year!

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